Saturday, 8 August 2009

Session 4

Session Num: 4
Stakes: 400NL, 600NL, 1000NL
Hands: 459
Net Win: $1136

Concentration: 8/10 -
Preplay Prep: 9/10 - food + tidied
Avoiding RE: 10/10
Cbetting strategy: 10/10
Game selection: 10/10 - only a few games going

Played decently well this session, only one hand I'm probably not happy with where I flatted AA utg+1 to a 2.5x raise... there was one squeezy player but really I should be doing it only with a table full of regs, and to a 2.5x raise plenty of people are going to see a flop cheap. Also made a marginal river shove



Hand 1: - the afformentioned hand. On the river, his value/ call range includes KQ, AQ, KK, and I really felt that he would shove a set so thats why I raised another ~$300 for value. I hate pf though anyway.

Apart from the above and 2 others where I got it in with 90.9% and 72.7% equity, I again didn't lose more than 30bbs in any pot which indicates solidity to me.


Hand 2: - Only one interesting winner, villain overshoves 3.5 psr on flop with the naked flush draw, meaning he's getting a lot of money in behind there. Luckily I hold.

In terms of general strategy, I'm finding a lot more folds than my usual game allows. It's interesting see my blue and red lines change over the year to date every time I make adjustments like this.

Just eaten, so going to play another session now, with emphasis on concentration and being more aware of villain's tendencies in hands.
