Monday, 29 December 2008
Friday, 19 December 2008
Best Ever Day- $2k at 200NL
Played a but of HU today, stacked a load of 40bb fish, a couple of BIs off player 'schiebsrein' who was just like a really bad regular, and about $800 off Budylove.
Budylove Hands:
He 3bet virutally 100%, which meant that gave up the blinds a lot from the button, but was happy to play 3bet pots in position with any decent playable hand given his range was literally any two cards. I managed to flop top pair a lot too.
Hand 1: Profitable bluff shove I think 'cos of his wide range and my gutshot and overcard
Hand 2: Bet fold the river best I think here...#
to be continued...
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Monday, 15 December 2008
Winning Again
$795 since the last blog post, (in around 1800 hands).
Played better anyway, ran bad EV wise for a change tho (expected $1200).
Some losing hands....
Hand 1: Prolly the most interesting. 3bet pot with the nut flush draw oop 200bbs deep. Villain had previous history of twice 3betting, then pot controlling overpairs deep so as to take a street off I think. Here after 3betting he double barrells, which since I was almost ruling out overpairs meant he had a 7, 33, or possibly hit JJ, (or complete air, which seeing as he's 3betting 87os here is quite possible). So I check shove the turn... and blank when he calls.
Hand 2: AIPF JJ vs AA. Villain was a 70/30, which is all I'm saying on this matter.
Hand 3: Top 2 VS Top set. I'm on the wrong side of it.
Winning Hands:
Hand 4: Fairly interesting, I've been experimenting with small bets to make people spaz out a bit, usually in situations where I've got a good idea of villai's range such as this example. So I flat a 3bet with KK IP, bet a 10hi board real small, and villain spaz raises and calls off the rest of his stack with ace high.
Hand 5: This hand is actually quite interesting, and the reason is the history I had with the villain in the same session.
Villain MattBouldin had previousy seen me cbet near potsize in a 3bet pot with a strong hand (over pair KK in this example Shortly after that however I play a pot vs him (here), in this hand I bet weakly as a bluff and the hand goes to showdown. So assuming that he's took notice of these facets of my play when I next flop a strong hand in a 3bet pot VS him I plan to cbet weakly to induce some kind of light call down or spaz bluff. He takes the spaz bluff approach, raising the flop and betting the turn strong before snap folding to my shove.
s'all for now. dan
Review 1
Hands: 1145 Result: $-734
A decent 1145 hands of losing poker today. Here's all the important hands...
Hand 1:
How to work on your image, by Grog. Villain here is a 24/16 who isolates fairly widely I think. I think the small bet on the flop is debatable, but I'm not going to regret the turn shove on the perfect bluff card.
Hand 2:
Villain here was 33/17, and on the fishy side. My problem here was putting him on many hands that beat me, AK and KK I think would 3bet PF, A7, A2, 77 are possibilities, but I obviously rule out 22. I decided to stack off, cos I think this is a tweener spot where I prolly used to always fold. There's enough draws/ combo draws he could spaz out with on the turn that made me stack.
Hand 3:
Villain 23/11/3. On the flop and turn, 88-99 are just as likely as JJ. I'm calling station now so paid off 3 streets to an ever so slighlty better hand.
Hand 4: Pro shorty sucks out 1010 vs QQ aipf.
Hand 5: 3bet a loose isolator, got called, cbet and then folded. (*shrug*).
Hand 6: Voodoo owned by a 70/33. Fold river grog.
Hand 7: My biggest winner, I spike the nuts on the turn, villain bets into me and I'm left deciding whether to shove now or wait till river. Board is fairly dry so I let a card come off. Left money on table I think.
Sunday, 14 December 2008
On Report
Monday, 8 December 2008
December Update
Thursday, 4 December 2008
1 Hour after my last post..... 1K up!
Won $1k this morning in little over an hour. Thats good for my confidence, so some good hands too I think...
Hand1: Bit of a soul read I think. Only hands that make sense value wise here are slowplayed JJ and a spiked 1010.
Hand2: I was beating up on S U F F E R quite a bit, he's a real nit- but not the type to be scared of. He just folds a lot.
Hand3: Hand 2 was a precursor to.... this. When I think he finally spazed out. Not really sure what is optimal on the flop, I mean I think he's bluffing so much, but if I flat his raise I look super strong. Very yetti-ish. Maybe a smaller 4bet or something.... I think he stacks a K to me.
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
December. $1786 in the red
So, I've started the month down, which I always seem to do of course. Must be some kind of mindset thing.... I've definitely ran bad both situationally and equity-wise (1K below equity), but think I've also forgotten a few of the things thats made me have a succesful last couple of months...
3 betting ranges- I'm looking for a 2:1 ratio of air to nuts hands when 3betting in position. My 'nuts' hands then are AK, QQ+ which gives me 2.6%. Now, suggested by bobbo is then to include hands like KQs in the 'air' category. I've found these 'tweener' hands work better for me by calling and seeing flops, so I'm going to have a range of hands that I cold call in position. Finally, I need a bluff range of hands to 3bet that total 2.6*2 = 5.2%. So....
Nuts: AK, QQ+. 2.6%
Tweeners: 22-JJ. KQs- J10s. KJs. KQos. 8.1%
Air: 87s-65s. AQs-86s. AJs-107s. 5.4%
From UTG+1 or MP, I will sometimes flat AKos and QQ with the intention of resqueezing if needed. JJ will also fall into this category.
Just needed to get this on paper. Laters.
ps: oh, and I'm playing 100bbs strict for the next 10k hands. On 6k now for the month so until I reach 16k hands for the month then we'll see what the month's looking like.
Sunday, 30 November 2008
November Result- $7971
Sunday, 23 November 2008

I'm putting this down to a few things: mostly tho believe it or not; riffling these actual poker chips whilst in a hand so I concentrate and don't make daft mistakes. I've also been folding wayyy less in postflop situations when villain reps little. I get crushed sometimes but its working out well.
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Go To
Oh, and one other thing. Go to - they sell real funny greetings cards that you can send directly to your friends, save all that time of finding it yourself in a shop!
So I'm writing a blog post...
Which means one of two things: I'm on an insane heater, or things aren't going well and I need to structure my thoughts a little.
I'm not on an insane heater.
Often I get into the groove, maybe having 14 winning days straight. My mistake in these times is ending them by doing either: a) having a few days off, losing all momentum, b) trying to apply some strategy concept that is either alien to me or I don't complete understand.
Both these things throw me off track. The next time I'm going well, I'm locking myself in a dark room and not letting anything throw me off.
This time around, I need to understand why this month has gone so sour, and how I can sort it out. There's three or four concepts I really need to concentrate on and apply in my upcoming sessions: these are designed to avoid spew whilst remaining aggressive.
a) Building big pots with me as the aggressor, not as the caller: I've been losing a ton of money in these spots. I need to control the pot by sticking to commitment threshold decisions, especially without the initiative.
b) Leverage: What I'm talking about here is the kind of spot where, for example, in a 3bet pot with me oop I have 1010 on 278ss. I cbet 26 into 40, and get raised to 70. This spot simply kills me, as if he's bluffing he's only cost himself $70 should I go all in. On the other hand, if he's not bluffing, he's earned himself $200. Even if I get these spots correct 50% of the time, I'm going to lose money. I need to be on the right side of leverage, applying it, and finding ways to avoid the reverse situation happening to me. In many cases, this may simply mean folding and choosing the low variance path.
c) Don't regret pots: Take a breath in big pots, thats all. Don't get sucked into a bluff vortex. Know when's not a good time to throw in that triple barrell. Don't bluff fish.
I'm also for the next 7 days embarking on a $200 stoploss for any one session. Session defined by a 3 hour gap. Will screenshot results to show how no more than $200 can be lost in any one session over the next 7 days.
Thats all for now.
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Some thoughts
November- I spent 3 days earning $700, then lost it all in one very frustrating Monday night.
Gameplan for today: keep being extremeley aggressive and keep the red line steady, make good decisions in big pots. Don't tilt.
Thursday, 30 October 2008
October Final Result
$5410 in winnings. With the $500 bonus, this is $5910, or £3560 English Pounds. Ready to keep my crushing run going into November now.
Friday, 24 October 2008
October So Far
$3157 so far in October... 6 days left though to ramp it up a little. The good news is though sterling's collapsing, so I'm looking at a 20% bonus from last month. Die pound die.
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Saturday, 18 October 2008
October Update
Just thought it'd help me to put some of my thoughts down on paper as to how I should be playing at the moment.
I've been giving a lot of thought to the fact that I lose so much in the blinds, and related to this; the amount I lose without showdown. With my monthly winnings standing now at $2k, its a crazy fact that I've won $11k at showdown this month, and lost $9k without showdown. I don't think this makes me a postflop nit or anything, jus that in the area of poker I've spent most time on improving (making the right decisions in big pots) I'm doing well, but obviously leaking money elsewhere.
Through HEM analysis, I've worked out that this without showdown leak stems largely from the blind positions, both through giving up blinds too easily and not stealing enough. Putting on filters like 'did squeeze', 'did 3bet' etc reveals an enormous profit. Crossing this with the "didn't see flop" filter shows that squeezing and 3betting are in themselves hugely profitable.
The "didn't see flop" filter is very interesting to me, as in these situations the cards I held were ultimately irrelevant. I can see that I need to up my squeezing in the blinds, and my 3betting in defence of the blinds as this definitely yields an instant profit, even if I give up every single flop.
Another area I'm losing money at the moment is the medium sized pots, that is the pots between $40 and $100. From reviewing HHs, this is becuase too often I call the flop with any two cards, hoping to spike or get villain to fold later in the hand. This is costing me a lot of money... I'm also folding river too much when little changes, therefore I must have made a mistake earlier in the hand...
I'm going to return therefore to my rules surrounding commitment outlined in PNL. That once 10% of my stack has gone in (usually $20), then not another bet will be made/ called unless I want to stack off with it.
My problem with this previously is that I think it makes you expoitable in certain scenarios. Example, I hold A8s; one limper, I raise to $11 and get one caller. Pot on flop is $24. The flop comes 842r. I cbet $16 IP and villain check-raises to $40. At this point I've put in $25, so shoudn't be calling another bet unless I'm happy to stack off.
Sticking to this though in this situation would make me very exploitable... however I the point I'm getting to is that I think being unexploitable is overrated at 200NL. In the case outlined above, I'm going to be folding in future, rather than (what would normally happen) I call this raise and fold to further heat on the turn (which I'm probably always facing).
So... cliffnotes on how I'm going to be playing...
- Squeeze regular and often, (100% depending on stacksizes being ok and no crazy dynamic exisiting with villain).
- 3bet in blinds to steals regular and often.
- If either of the above are called when I'm doing them light, shut down on 90% of flops. Continuing with no equity, especially oop is spewing money.
- Start giving up on flops, as opposed to giving up on turns.
- Apply the rules of commitment as outlined in PNL.
- Continue with my focus on double and triple barrelling certain players on certain flops.
- Don't ever ever ever regret a pot through some overaggressive re-raise bluff made on the river, got that dan?
- Keep crushing at showdown.
Poker's easy. Ennit?
Read more...Wednesday, 15 October 2008
$10k in 50k hands. Halfway There:
By halfway there, I obviously don't mean halfway monetarily speaking, though I'm not too far short. 26k hands, $3459 in winnings.
Been a bit up and down as you can see.
In terms of how I'm playing, I've had 3 coaching sessions now and am working on the leaks in my game that I found out about there. I apparently don't double barrell enough, so am working on double and triple barrelling boards like 268r, where villain likely has a hand like A6 or 98 that can't stand much heat.
I'm really on top of my tilt as of late, I'm not spewing or regretting many pots, need to keep concentrating on that though as it has a habit of coming back at times I'm not even thinking about it.
Got myself SpadeEye now as well, so I've been playing with that. Its easy to spot a fish with it, not so easy to find one at a table with a waiting list less than 4 tho.... But still, table selecting is something I've never really liked to do but by doing it more I should be seeing more $ for the last 25k hands of this challenge.
I'll post some hands as and when I play some interesting ones later today.
Friday, 3 October 2008
Since my coaching session the other day with (the excellent) Chaostracise, I've turned it round, winning $860 over 3 sessions totalling 3636 hands.
Over these hands, I've had only 3 pots where I've lost over $100, which is pretty good I think. One I misplayed ( ), the other was a cooler when I hit a set vs a flopped straight and the other was AK vs QQ AIPF.
I've generally been 3betting less and playing postflop poker which has been working out. The immense amount of squeezing and 3betting going on has led me to slowplay PF slightly more often, ie flatting qq to a tight player then shoving over a squeeze.
And I've not had any mad moments either. Usually I think I would easily have had enough moments over 4k hands to wipe out $860 in profit.
Not too many interesting hands have come up though, what with me not losing that many and all.
I'm probably most troubled by this one: Villain a 32/5/1
The turn bet just looks like he's after a cheap draw, so I raise it up. Hmm though, I'm not sure.
Oh and I changed my SN on Party, cos it lets you do that. Ladderbear has been a consistent loser and is now retired. Good work Penguinator on your recent results.
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Betting Reciprocality
I've been reading an article by Tommy Angelo. Its talking about reciprocality, which is something I go on about all the time but don't really realise it. I tend to call it "where's my edge?". One of the things he talks about is betting reciprocality, that is taking a hand and imagining that the roles of you and the villain are swapped around. How would you have played this hand differently? How would your opponent have played it differently?
Doing this, you can then decide if you 'won' the hand or not. For example, the 3 examples of KK AIPF vs AA that happened to me today cost me $850 of actual money. However, doing a reciprocal analysis I can see that in reciprocal money terms the hands cost me nothing, and won my oppenents nothing. This is because any time I have AA, and they KK, the hands would have been played in the same way. Basically, there's no way anyones folding KK pf 100bbs deep.
So I've decided to look at a few middling $ amount hands from today and perform this type of analysis.
Hand1: This was virtually my last hand of the day, played a few minutes ago, and the hand which made me realise that I was on megatilt and should stop:
There are two ways of looking at this. First of all, PF I perhaps saved money by flat calling rather than 3betting, as my opponent may have simply 3bet this hand with a view to get it all in. I think its more beneficial though to look at the postflop actions.
Flop: He cbets, I float oop with my AK hi. I think that in this situation the villain would do the same thing, so nothing lost nothing gained.
Turn: Villain checks behind. I think in this situation I would have bet, but given that I would have folded my AK, the net reciprocal amount won and lost is still 0.
River: I decide that my hand looks very much like QJ, KJ, AJ, therefore I want to get folds from his middling pocket pairs. I bet, however he raises. At this point my tilt takes over, and I can't imagine a hand he has and call.
Reciprocally, villain would probably just check fold river. If he had decided to bet, he would've folded to my raise. Therefore, he would have saved himself $60. So therefore, in playing this hand as shoddily as I did, I cost myself $60 in reciprocal money.
Hand2: In this hand, I get decent value from TPTK by betting all 3 streets strongly. Villain calls down with Tp weak kicker.
Preflop and flop: I think I play same as villain preflop and flop, call his raise and his flop bet. Reciprocally though, he probably bets less on the flop as I bet full pot. Therefore I earned myself a few reciprocal dollars.
Turn: I bet virtually full pot, $28. I think the other way around villain would bet less, so say I earned myself $5 reciprocal dollars or so. In villains shoes, I think I call another bet.
River: I bet nearly full pot $72. This is the part of the hand that I think has most reciprocal value for me, as I think facing this much aggression versus someone who knows not to double and triple barrell such rubbish cards with air I would find a fold here. Instead, villain calls, costing himself $72 in reciprocal amounts.
Therefore, allthough my actual amount won in this hand was $115, reciprocally I earned myself probably $80 based on the fact that his and my actions would have been different.
I may do a few more of these analysis after each session as I think it important to know where exactly your edge lies in poker, and at the minute I cannot for the life of me see where mine is.
I hate money anyway

Challenge Update
Having played so damn little, I stand at 8720 hands, total winnings; -$117.02. EV Winnings; $942.62.
Been playing better as of late I think; I've not had any hands I totally regret in the last week or so. I feel like I'm getting to know the regulars pretty well now and there's a strong 4 betting dynamic where people have started to 5bet shove insanely light vs me. Some examples...
I'm still seeing a lot of crazy play going on as well.
I won't update this will all my recent hands played, I suppose I just want it in writing that I feel super confident about how I'm playing and I think I'm due one my $10k in 25k hand heaters which occasionally pop up.
laters; dan
Thursday, 18 September 2008
50K Challenge Update and Review
Well, I got off to my usual as of late start, total hands: 3724, winnings: -$1086.
I can't say that I'm too happy with how solid I've played, although I've definitely ran terrible I can also show probably $1k of hands where I've just pure spewed. I'd rate myself a 4/10 for playing solid thus far.
Hand 1: Although I have TPTK, which is usually the nuts facing aggression on Party, I still think spewing 120bbs on the flop is really bad. There are several draws out, but against his entire range here I do very badly. I think calling and re-evaluating is much better.
Hand 2: I think this is a cooler. I couldn't put him on any hand that beat me, perhaps maybe a5s. Turned out he didn't 3bet qq pf and managed to flop a fullH vs my trips.
Hand 3: I'm in the sb facing a button 4bet with QQ. I think I'm easily ahead of his 4betting range BTN vs blinds, given that he's aggressive and will have a few bluffs in there.
To be more exact, after he 4bets, there's 83 in the pot, meaning i have to put in
177 to win 224, thus needing 177/(177+224) = 42% equity. Having stoved his range I had 51% equity so not a bad spot I think.
Hand 4: I got owned here pretty bad, I decided to bet fold my KK on the river and he bluff raised with a pair of 99 and showed. Hmm, my river equity to call is excellent but I only beat a bluff.
Hand 5: Villain in this hand is weak passive and folds a lot, I decide that I can semi bluff him on a pair lower than a J on the turn here. He has a jack though. I think here I didn't apply the principle of me not making shovy moves that I think are marginal EV, so a thumbs down for this one, especially after he calls my flop raise.
Hand 6: Villain in this hand 3bets a VERY wide range in the blinds, so I decide to call and play a flop with AQ IP. Given his huge range, I decide to float flop and take it away on the river, repping a KQ type hand. Unfortunately he had K2s for top pair no kicker. Don't know if I hate it or not, I prefer playing a flop to 4betting as this basically turns my hand into a bluff.
Hand 7: A slight cooler, but I'm still not happy with the way I played it. I should blatently get all the money on on the turn with the 2 flush draws out there, but I was hung up on villain possibly having 68 and so I wanted the board to pair before getting all the $ in. This is daft thinking, 'cos if he shoves river I'm prolly calling anyway.
Hand 8: The kind of hand that makes me furious with myself, Dan; he FLAT CALLED a 4bet oop, and a K hits the board and you have a pair of 9s. What do you think his range is? Don't you think its SLIGHTLY weighted towards strong hands? Don't you think the VERY BOTTOM of his range still crushes you? Then why the fuck do you do this?
nb to above: Content flat calls 4bets oop with KQs.
Hand 9:
Enough said about this one, I'm extremely angry at myself for all aspects of this hand. It was late etc etc but this is so fucking terrible its beyond the pale.
Hand 10:
What Dan, what? If anything shove this flop vs this cally villain. (Calls all 3bets and 4bets).
So, in summary I still haven't ironed out my tilt problems and general bad play problems as of yet. Its early tho, 3k hands in. Plently of time to iron that out, just need to concentrate on stopping these ridculous hands that cost me an average of $600 every session.
I'll post a further review after this session:
laters. dan
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
So, 3 Avoidable Hands
3 avoidable hands on my first day, totalling $500 or so.
hand1: definitely could have found a fold here on river. Annoyed as my gut really said fold but i ignored it. When MY gut says folds, spewmonkey himself, I should be pretty sure its a fold.
hand2: afformentioned hand shoving aqhi in a 3bet pot. ludicrous.
hand3: villain in this hand calls 3bets REALLY light. I should have shoved this flop all day with the bd flush draw, overs, and likely the best hand with some FE of the hand he actually did have. Decided he had air and was bluffing but he was 'bluffing' with 55. Guilty of A) Bad play on the flop and being without a proper plan preflop and B) Not thinking enough about the turn call.
Will do better later I think. Important to keep remembering where the edge lies I think.
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
New 50K Hand Challenge- Done By 16th October 2008
I've moved most of my roll to Party poker now. The advent of all the new 'speed' tables on AP 1-2 combined with the extortionate rake taken for the BBJ meant that I'd rather play on Party. I think that the amount of lose in bonuses is more than made up by the greater choice of tables and the lesser rake on Party.
I've noticed the players are much more aggro than on AP. To the point where I hardly ever fold any piece of the board to a checkraise in position on the flop to a regular. This is a new thing for me.
My first 5k hands on there I've done well I think getting used to the software and adjusting to the different players on there. I've ran terrible in all in spots however, and so my actual winnings are $500 down compared with $1.2k expected winnings.
Having taken this time to make the jump, I sorted out a couple of other things with my HUD, namely including a 'flop check raise' stat that I think is more pertinent on Party than on AP, given that regulars don't like to give you the pot oop by simply check folding too often.
100bbs are the order of the day on there, which is fine as it means I'll have decent comparitive experience whenever I do get 200bbs against someone.
With the move, and with the aim of giving myself direction and purpose, I am to begin another 50k hand challenge, with the aim of making $10k i this time. I expect the 50k hands to take around a month, so by the 16th October I should have them completed. If I'm way short of that, time to get a coach and sort my life out I think.
If I'm somewhere about $10k, then I'll probably do another 50k 200NL hands before looking to move up to 2-4. If I exceed $10k by a decent amount then I could move to 2-4 straight away and look to get a coach then as well.
In doing this challenge, it's important that I know exactly how I'm going to make my money, what my plan is and what my edge is. This way I can review my hands after every 2k hands or so and ensure that I'm sticking to the plan and that I'm playing well enough that I actually have an edge and should be making money.
Where My Edge Lies
1) 3Betting regulars in position. Identifying those who will fold too much to 3bets, those who will check fold a lot of flops, and those who will call light and spew in 3bet pots. Obviously different strategies for all 3, which are listed below.
- Fold too much: 3bet them almost with any 2 IP. Understand that a standard CO open raise to $7 means that a button 3Bet to $21 means they have to fold 67% of the time to be instantly profitable. Be cautious on flops when they don't fold PF.
- Call light and fold too many flops: 3bet a wide value range, and any 2 suited cards. Understand the correct board textures on which villain will most likely checkfold, and double barrell scarecards if necessary. I should fold to any resistence.
- Call light and spew: 3Bet a decent value range vs them, tone down the bluffing range. Be prepared to give them rope to hang themselves postflop where appropriate, and value bet good hands very strongly. Rarely fold TP to them in 3bet pots.
2) Isolating the bad players (VPIP of 40+) frequently when I have position. Increasing the frequency of my MP and CO raises when the fish is in the blinds in these positions in order to get HU and in position vs him.
3) Removing all traces of FPS. Although I may sometimes genuinely think that there is EV in bluff raising a tight player's river value bet, from experience I cannot be certain that I don't just want to do it 'cos I'm a degen. For this reason, they are practically banned for the duration of this 50k hand experiment. I'll have to take the EV losses on the chin, if any, but something tells me that I might just be saving myself a bit of $ in reality.
4) Lower Variance: If in doubt of whether to shove or fold in PF or flop situations, I will fold to lower variance and to save myself money. Why does this save me money? Because my natural tendency is to WANT to gamble, to shove all the money in and make people fold. If there is a shovy decision that I think is fairly EV neutral, the chances are that it is not EV neutral at all but -EV, with my brain pushing up the supposed EV chances in my head cos i want to GAMBLE. I have to allow for this.5) Mental side: Super Important this one... I think a real edge is to be had over other 4-6 tabling regular 'robots' by carefully thinking through each and every decision before it is made.
I also think that after learning the 'basics' of 200NL, tilt control is the single most important skill to master. If I have one stack per session shipped to me by a tilty customer, then it is super important that I maximize that edge by not in turn tilting off any pots myself. I think this edge in itself is a huuuuge one, actually understated by 2+2 and the like even considering how much is spoken of it.
I'll be reviewing HHs after session and talking about aspects of the above to make sure that I'm applying everything correctly.
Day1- Not happy with my play after only 145 hands. Namely one hand where I shoved all in with AQ hi in a 3bet pot OOP. Villain made a wierdo call with a pair of 7s and I had some equity, but still the point is that I didn't obey point 4 above, about lowering variance and accepting that the very fact that I think shoving is a marginally +EV play probably means it's quite the opposite. You can see it here.
Laters for now:
Monday, 8 September 2008
Looong Session. Good Results, 3000 hands, Won $899.
I definitely played solid this session. So much of my mental thought was going into not hating myself for giving away $800 in any stupid pots. At the same time, I was more aggressive and bluffing more scarecards, as I've noticed Speedlimits do and its very effective.
Got decent value with a set from Hovabluff here. I don't rate him at all and he got very cally here. I was very unsure about optimal river betsizing, i plumped for like 40% as I didn't think he'd call more with just an overpair. He had a flush though, could have bet more with my FullH.
funny hand this one. NEVER FOLD TO SPEEDLIMITS. He read my thin value bet for exactly what it was on the river, a weak made hand getting greedy for value. So he comes over the top for like $185 more. Thing is, he's never not betting the trip 7s more strongly before the river, and so repped completely nothing. I thought for a while, but it was more of a slowroll. He said 'Awful' then instaquit. Don't know if he meant me or him though.
hand3: I always get accused of FPS when taking this line with an overpair, ie cbet flop, check raise turn all in OOP. But, I think its the single most effective line for a strong hand VS an aggressive 100bb stack when OOP. Gets value off floats, and most villains will even bet the turn with a draw rather than take the free card. here, a fairly soild Reg stacks with overpair 1010 on 9 high flop. I think he played it baaaaad tho.
this one could have got nasty. A 4bet pot deep OOP with AA, he hits a set of 88. My pot control on flop and his weak betting allowed me to lose the minimum. Obviously I'm most afraid of KK QQ, but his weak bet on the river made me think he may be betting AK... One more note about this, I 4bet bigger than my standard because of the deep stacksizes, this was something suggested to me in a 2+2 thread recently.
hand5: i bet fold river with KK. I think lobster has 89 here a lot... no matter, think it was played ok.
No other real nonstandard hands to talk about. No spew for a change. Goldstar Grog.
1191 Hands, +$942
I'm playing probably another 2k hands today, but I thought I'd 'bank' this session anyway so that its there on record that I'm not doomed to always fail.
Achieved my goal of taking the big pots I win, without leaking similar sized ones to my losses. Also, concentrated on being more aggressive on the turn to pick up pots, without getting wedded to the hand and throwing in a wasteful triple barrell.
Got 3bet in the blinds by a very tight player over a smallish sample. Flat called to keep qq and JJ and possibly AQ in the pot.
Checked turn to allow villain to improve if he has an ace, or to disguise my K if he has JJ-QQ, allowing me to get 2 streets of value possibly.
Luckily, he had A7 making 2 pair on the turn and stacked off to me. Was certain he must have had AA at one point but obv this isn't getting folded.
This hand is semi interesting, as myself and Hemmel had an aggressive dynamic going on. I think my raise on the flop basically represents nothing except a K and 77, and who raises a K in that spot right? Bit of a yeti situation I think. He folded flop to my 3bet all in and said he had 7 hi. I believe him.
Called down an aggressive double triple barreller with AK on ace hi board. Don't like his play.
not many to talk about today...
I try a river bluff which I dont hate here. Kricket would fold without a ten for sure.
Hand 5.
I have top pair second kicker, and when villain donks into me I think he has air or a draw a lot. I raise him up on the flop and bet the turn. Unfortuantely he has TPTK. In hindsight, there weren't a lot of draws out there and so probably flatting the flop and turn is best to allow him to keep bluffing.
laters. daniel
877 Hands, $-273
This session reminded me harshly that I'm yet to be solid. I lost $600 to pure spew plays, one stacking off 200bbs deep with AA, the other a ridiculous triple barrell bluff that was calmy called down with top set. So, I'm mad at myself anyway.
A cooler I think, perhaps could have gotten away from my trips considering my kicker's bad, but he was a fish.
hand 1.
The worst hand ever played. He jacked it up pretty quick on the turn, so I think 'wellll, he must have flush draw'. Try top set. Think I'm going to stop playing deep for a while...
hand 2.
Oh no, make this the worst hand ever played. I think my sizing looks scary setting up for a river shove VS Synodic, but w-ever. terrible.
hand 3.
Pick off a bluff from speedlimits here. He plays such a wide range and ALWAYs tries to bluff scare cards, especially on the river when often it makes no sense. He likes to check raise the turn a lot with draws and sometimes complete air, so I check behind turn to make my life easier and to get him to bluff river.
hand 4.
Speaking of Speedlimits raising the turn with air, here he does it again. 0% chance I'm ever folding to him.
hand 5.
I 3bet OTB with 46s, and end up winning 200bbs. Villain flops a straight and donks into me, luckily I turn a flush. Torn between calling and raising turn, but he was v agrressive and I wanted to give him chance to bluff again.
hand 6.
I do some wierd betsizing here. I think villain nearly always has KK, possibly 89 here.
hand 7.
Decent value betting here vs a big fish.
hand 8.
Saturday, 6 September 2008
The Heater Starts Here
817 Hands, $317 up.
A 4bet pot with AA vs Taffy Jones. I think I prefer betting the turn again here, I think I didn't as he's a disbeliever and its a dry board and I think this way he looks me up with qq on the river. I can't imagine a hand he has, other than maybe KQ or AK, but he folded the river pretty quick. I like my shove I think...
I flop an OESD in a 3bet pot, call flop, get a free card turn, and value bet river strongly;
I suckout pretty bad here. No way of getting away though.
I flop trips in a limped pot, some disbeliever pays me all their money.
I flop and OESD and flush draw, but we're deep vs Taffy so I just call flop and turn. Blanks out.
A bad double barrell in a 3bet pot. These are starting to cost me a lot of money. Villain is a big fish and I thought he might peel AK AQ then fold to a turn bet.
I played this hand horribly horribly. Why I'd want to stick in this much money vs 5 players on a flop this wet with top pair no kicker is beyond me. hmm....
A lot of confused thinking this hand. I decide I prolly have best hand on flop, then decide I don't want to build a massive pot on the turn, then I decide to bet fold the river. No joined up thinking whatsoever and this makes me unhappy somewhat.
Day 3: I don't like money anyway
314 hands; -$686! I didn't even have any pots over $300. Just a real cumulation of $150 pots that went against me. I was actually making a video this session.
Biggest pot I won was $120. And there weren't many more...
Hand 21:
A 4bet pot with KK on an AAxxx board. I attempt to value bet river but he shoves.
Hand 22:
The guy in this pot is a megafish and I get coolered with trip 1010s. Lost the minimum though...
Hand 23:
This hand, I randomly decide to bluff raise the flop to get villain of an overpair type hand. Then its a bluff vortext on the turn as I follow up with a turn bet on a bad card for me. Mark this one as spew I think.
Hand 24:
I look stupid in this hand, but the guy is a 91/x/x megafish, leading to my call with 3rd pair vs his AA or something. I think turn call is ok with a lot of likely outs, but not so much river... spew
Hand 25:
I flat a 3bet with 67s. Flop is OESD, I call one bet on the flop but have to fold turn I think. I hate this hand but can't tell you why.
I'm not even going to post any winners. Not till I get some good ones.
Friday, 5 September 2008
Day 2- Another Losing Session
1100 Hands, $-293. I ran terrible in all in EV siutations though, basically lost them all. My EV result for the session was a princley $8.42. No super spewy hands and I felt fairly solid I think.
I've been thinking about where the edge seriously lies in basic 200NL. I think 90% of the edge is situations vs reverse situations. Example, if I hit a set, and villain has AA, then they pay me 100bbs. The edge comes from the fact that in the exact same reverse situation, I do not pay the villain 100bbs with my AA and get away from it somewhere.
The above is opposed to maybe something like 5-10, where winning depends more on non-showndown winnings and finding the right situations to pick up the pot with any two cards.
This 200NL edge depends on situations occuring in your favour though. I don't think I've really been getting my share in the last week or so. I've been concentrating on wiping out spew, so this may have saved me $x amount, but I'm lacking the bread and butter situations where you just get to stack a player because they are bad and cant fold 1 pair etc.
Onto some hands...
Hand 7
I felt like such a fucking idjit in this hand. But... villain is a big donk, and prolyl does this with a 9 or a flush draw etc etc etc
Hand 8
Nickwebzilla, the godfather of tagfish. He 3bets light oop (A10os etc) so I decide to flat his 3bet. On the flop he'll always shut down with no pair, so I decide to flat and take it away on the turn hopefully. His double barrel scuppers that...
Hand 9
Included this one as I find this siutation difficult to play: I want to take control with the overpair 1010s, but am basically bluffing as when villain raises I have to fold I think;
Hand 10
Same situation as above, but with 99:
Hand 11
Another ace hi flop in a 3bet pot I attempt to float. I plausibly represent AQ/ AK. But he happens to have AQ himself. Pick up a draw on the turn, doesn't get there. I officially hate the penguin.
Hand 12
Biggest loser of the day. BvB, I have AA he has AK. Gets in on the flop with his nut flush draw and he makes it. Bah. I decide to flat PF just because Matvey was a taggish player who would re-raise a wide range (A8s etc) there but fold to a 4bet.
Hand 13
This hand was wierd. I have KK, and the suspicious slightly fishy 27/15 donk bets the flop and turn and calls my raises. I couldn't decide whether to value river, but thought there was a good chance he made a straight on the river.
Hand 14
I have a set of 66 by the river, but good chance villain has a 7 giving him the straight, so I opt for a gay bet on the river here to get paid by a weak ace or something. works.
Hand 15
I have QQ, some spaz comes along for the ride:
Hand 16
AK in the blinds, I play it passively VS penguin as he'll double barrell a lot and I'm OOP and I'm deep and to be honest I'm afraid of the penguin. I bet river as I think he doesn't bet AJ/ A-10, but maybe calls it.
Hand 17
KK, I decide to flat as we're deep and I REALLY want to keep kickwebzilla in the hand as he'll pay with all sorts. I think I completely screwed this hand up though from top to bottom. I should raise flop methinks. Nickwebzilla can't read hands tho, so he's always going to pay me a little regardless.
Hand 18
Called the 3bet here as I had noticed him stack a few times deep, once with AA and once with KK so he basically gets stuck on them.
I plan to checkraise flop: he doesn't oblige by betting. Then the J scuppers me putting in a big bet. Then when the K hits I try to get AK to pay me. Pays me with AA instead, I'm not fussed: I like my potsize bet anyway, looks bluffy.
Hand 19
I have AK, the board comes dry A hi vs a fish. betbetbetbet. He folds river though.
Hand 20
Very small pot, but I think worth including as by concentrating on the tables I'd seen this villain bet the nuts with half pot bets. here he bets full pot when draws miss, and I call with 3rd pair or something...
Thanks for reading. grog
Day 1: Losing Session
Hi y'all. I'm going to use this blog as a kind of therapy to get away from my spewy state of mind when playing poker. I'm going to do this by posting the results of my session, and all the big hands using pokerhand.
By not hiding or avoiding any of the big spewy hands I have, I hope to eventually purge them from my system. I welcome comments on how I played all hands as well....
Day1: 1300 hand session, down $625. Here's the biggest losers:
hand1: coolered by the penguin IMO. I think his flop call is iffy to say the least. bah.
hand2: I flat call a 3bet with KK, villain has AA. Whatever. Although, having started to 4bet bluff I think I would've just liked to 4bet get it in vs this supertight villain.
hand3: I posted this one on 2p2. I think check folding the river is best, but his stack size just sucked... even check calling I think is superior to how I played it as he can bluff missed flushes.
hand4: i decide to float an ace hi flop in a 3bet pot, erm cos Aejones told me to do it. Didn't work out.... FPS wayyyy!
a couple of winners...
hand5: get paid off by a megafish:
hand6: fullH over straight I raise strong on river. in hindsight prolly calls a shove...
Thanks for reading. More later....
dan aka Grog