Wednesday, 3 December 2008

December. $1786 in the red

So, I've started the month down, which I always seem to do of course. Must be some kind of mindset thing.... I've definitely ran bad both situationally and equity-wise (1K below equity), but think I've also forgotten a few of the things thats made me have a succesful last couple of months...

3 betting ranges- I'm looking for a 2:1 ratio of air to nuts hands when 3betting in position. My 'nuts' hands then are AK, QQ+ which gives me 2.6%. Now, suggested by bobbo is then to include hands like KQs in the 'air' category. I've found these 'tweener' hands work better for me by calling and seeing flops, so I'm going to have a range of hands that I cold call in position. Finally, I need a bluff range of hands to 3bet that total 2.6*2 = 5.2%. So....

Nuts: AK, QQ+. 2.6%

Tweeners: 22-JJ. KQs- J10s. KJs. KQos. 8.1%

Air: 87s-65s. AQs-86s. AJs-107s. 5.4%

From UTG+1 or MP, I will sometimes flat AKos and QQ with the intention of resqueezing if needed. JJ will also fall into this category.

Just needed to get this on paper. Laters.

ps: oh, and I'm playing 100bbs strict for the next 10k hands. On 6k now for the month so until I reach 16k hands for the month then we'll see what the month's looking like.