Saturday, 6 September 2008

Day 3: I don't like money anyway

314 hands; -$686! I didn't even have any pots over $300. Just a real cumulation of $150 pots that went against me. I was actually making a video this session.

Biggest pot I won was $120. And there weren't many more...


Hand 21:
A 4bet pot with KK on an AAxxx board. I attempt to value bet river but he shoves.

Hand 22:
The guy in this pot is a megafish and I get coolered with trip 1010s. Lost the minimum though...

Hand 23:
This hand, I randomly decide to bluff raise the flop to get villain of an overpair type hand. Then its a bluff vortext on the turn as I follow up with a turn bet on a bad card for me. Mark this one as spew I think.

Hand 24:
I look stupid in this hand, but the guy is a 91/x/x megafish, leading to my call with 3rd pair vs his AA or something. I think turn call is ok with a lot of likely outs, but not so much river... spew

Hand 25:
I flat a 3bet with 67s. Flop is OESD, I call one bet on the flop but have to fold turn I think. I hate this hand but can't tell you why.

I'm not even going to post any winners. Not till I get some good ones.



Chris 9 September 2008 at 09:39  

Hand 25:

You hate it because it is so difficult to play marginal (& losing hands) oop.