Wednesday, 15 October 2008

$10k in 50k hands. Halfway There:

By halfway there, I obviously don't mean halfway monetarily speaking, though I'm not too far short. 26k hands, $3459 in winnings.

Been a bit up and down as you can see.

In terms of how I'm playing, I've had 3 coaching sessions now and am working on the leaks in my game that I found out about there. I apparently don't double barrell enough, so am working on double and triple barrelling boards like 268r, where villain likely has a hand like A6 or 98 that can't stand much heat.

I'm really on top of my tilt as of late, I'm not spewing or regretting many pots, need to keep concentrating on that though as it has a habit of coming back at times I'm not even thinking about it.

Got myself SpadeEye now as well, so I've been playing with that. Its easy to spot a fish with it, not so easy to find one at a table with a waiting list less than 4 tho.... But still, table selecting is something I've never really liked to do but by doing it more I should be seeing more $ for the last 25k hands of this challenge.

I'll post some hands as and when I play some interesting ones later today.
