877 Hands, $-273
This session reminded me harshly that I'm yet to be solid. I lost $600 to pure spew plays, one stacking off 200bbs deep with AA, the other a ridiculous triple barrell bluff that was calmy called down with top set. So, I'm mad at myself anyway.
A cooler I think, perhaps could have gotten away from my trips considering my kicker's bad, but he was a fish.
hand 1.
The worst hand ever played. He jacked it up pretty quick on the turn, so I think 'wellll, he must have flush draw'. Try top set. Think I'm going to stop playing deep for a while...
hand 2.
Oh no, make this the worst hand ever played. I think my sizing looks scary setting up for a river shove VS Synodic, but w-ever. terrible.
hand 3.
Pick off a bluff from speedlimits here. He plays such a wide range and ALWAYs tries to bluff scare cards, especially on the river when often it makes no sense. He likes to check raise the turn a lot with draws and sometimes complete air, so I check behind turn to make my life easier and to get him to bluff river.
hand 4.
Speaking of Speedlimits raising the turn with air, here he does it again. 0% chance I'm ever folding to him.
hand 5.
I 3bet OTB with 46s, and end up winning 200bbs. Villain flops a straight and donks into me, luckily I turn a flush. Torn between calling and raising turn, but he was v agrressive and I wanted to give him chance to bluff again.
hand 6.
I do some wierd betsizing here. I think villain nearly always has KK, possibly 89 here.
hand 7.
Decent value betting here vs a big fish.
hand 8.
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