Friday, 5 September 2008

Day 2- Another Losing Session

1100 Hands, $-293. I ran terrible in all in EV siutations though, basically lost them all. My EV result for the session was a princley $8.42. No super spewy hands and I felt fairly solid I think.

I've been thinking about where the edge seriously lies in basic 200NL. I think 90% of the edge is situations vs reverse situations. Example, if I hit a set, and villain has AA, then they pay me 100bbs. The edge comes from the fact that in the exact same reverse situation, I do not pay the villain 100bbs with my AA and get away from it somewhere.

The above is opposed to maybe something like 5-10, where winning depends more on non-showndown winnings and finding the right situations to pick up the pot with any two cards.

This 200NL edge depends on situations occuring in your favour though. I don't think I've really been getting my share in the last week or so. I've been concentrating on wiping out spew, so this may have saved me $x amount, but I'm lacking the bread and butter situations where you just get to stack a player because they are bad and cant fold 1 pair etc.

Onto some hands...


Hand 7
I felt like such a fucking idjit in this hand. But... villain is a big donk, and prolyl does this with a 9 or a flush draw etc etc etc

Hand 8
Nickwebzilla, the godfather of tagfish. He 3bets light oop (A10os etc) so I decide to flat his 3bet. On the flop he'll always shut down with no pair, so I decide to flat and take it away on the turn hopefully. His double barrel scuppers that...

Hand 9
Included this one as I find this siutation difficult to play: I want to take control with the overpair 1010s, but am basically bluffing as when villain raises I have to fold I think;

Hand 10
Same situation as above, but with 99:

Hand 11
Another ace hi flop in a 3bet pot I attempt to float. I plausibly represent AQ/ AK. But he happens to have AQ himself. Pick up a draw on the turn, doesn't get there. I officially hate the penguin.

Hand 12
Biggest loser of the day. BvB, I have AA he has AK. Gets in on the flop with his nut flush draw and he makes it. Bah. I decide to flat PF just because Matvey was a taggish player who would re-raise a wide range (A8s etc) there but fold to a 4bet.


Hand 13
This hand was wierd. I have KK, and the suspicious slightly fishy 27/15 donk bets the flop and turn and calls my raises. I couldn't decide whether to value river, but thought there was a good chance he made a straight on the river.

Hand 14
I have a set of 66 by the river, but good chance villain has a 7 giving him the straight, so I opt for a gay bet on the river here to get paid by a weak ace or something. works.

Hand 15
I have QQ, some spaz comes along for the ride:

Hand 16
AK in the blinds, I play it passively VS penguin as he'll double barrell a lot and I'm OOP and I'm deep and to be honest I'm afraid of the penguin. I bet river as I think he doesn't bet AJ/ A-10, but maybe calls it.

Hand 17
KK, I decide to flat as we're deep and I REALLY want to keep kickwebzilla in the hand as he'll pay with all sorts. I think I completely screwed this hand up though from top to bottom. I should raise flop methinks. Nickwebzilla can't read hands tho, so he's always going to pay me a little regardless.

Hand 18
Called the 3bet here as I had noticed him stack a few times deep, once with AA and once with KK so he basically gets stuck on them.
I plan to checkraise flop: he doesn't oblige by betting. Then the J scuppers me putting in a big bet. Then when the K hits I try to get AK to pay me. Pays me with AA instead, I'm not fussed: I like my potsize bet anyway, looks bluffy.

Hand 19
I have AK, the board comes dry A hi vs a fish. betbetbetbet. He folds river though.

Hand 20
Very small pot, but I think worth including as by concentrating on the tables I'd seen this villain bet the nuts with half pot bets. here he bets full pot when draws miss, and I call with 3rd pair or something...

Thanks for reading. grog


Chris 9 September 2008 at 09:31  

Hand 7: Perfectly fine

Hand 8: Also fine. Back door flush draw, 2 overs, + a read = + EV.
KQs is a hand that will play well in pois in 3bet pots. It's not a hand to 4bet as you aare wasting its post flop value.

Hand 9: 56bbs on a super drawy do not fold.

Hand 10:

I'd never fold the flop. I'd call re-evaluate the turn. Seriously wtf does he represent????

Hnad 11: Why are you flatting 98s to a 3bet oop? What's worse is that it's against a player who uses pot control (albeit in a situation that he shouldn't be). Against pot controlling players you should be less inclined to flat their raises oop and 3bet/4bet more to reduce their advantage.