Friday, 9 October 2009

More October Consolidation & Adjustments

There's no doubt at all I've allowed a certain amount of complacency kick in. I need to remember a rule about myself, which is that concentration+preparation = A game, anything less = Z game. I don't have an inbetween.

Most annoyingly for me is the prep and rules stuff that I've let slip. Example , cashing in a session when I feel momentum turn against me, not playing more than 90 minutes etc. Instead of many small sessions I've been trying to grind fewer larger sessions... for whatever reason this doesn't work with me and never will.

I need to make some technical adjustments too... nothing major, just that I need to have less pure bluffs against guys that know me well, and value bet thinner on multiple streets instead.

Most important though right now is attitude and concentration.... thus this will be a small session plus maybe a review if needed. The I'll watch a Wire episode, then play again, then more Wire, then another.

Off to play now.... dan