Operation Record Month (don't laugh) has been reset. Why? Because my attitude was bad, I didn't reset the graph, I lost concentration, and then dumped $2k playing HU stupidly. OK?
I'm on more or less exactly $30k for the month, but forget that. All that matters is from now until midnight Saturday.
Pic of Operation Record Month graph:

I have some serious technical adjustments I need to be making in the FTP 2-4 games... essentially my image is about as bad as it's ever been in any game ever (at least on AP every reg prolly had about 50k hands in their HUD of me being a nit). I need to tighten up PF (slightly), stop bluffing flops turns and rivers with air, value bet thinner, and cbet less. That there, people, is called a gameplan.
I'm copying an pasting this into every blog post from now on
Session 1: Hands: Winnings:
Session 2: Hands: Winnings:
Session 3: Hands: Winnings:
Session 4: Hands: Winnings:
Session 5: Hands: Winnings:
Session 6: Hands: Winnings:
Session 7: Hands: Winnings:
Session 8: Hands: Winnings:
Session 9: Hands: Winnings:
Session 10: Hands: Winnings:
That's 10 sessions, averaging slightly over $1k in each one. First one coming up....