Oh No December
So, my December fell of a cliff today. There's absolutely no point in dwelling on the small piece of sample size of today where I went from $5.5k for the month down to $33, so instead I'm going to look at the month as a whole, what's went right, what's went wrong, where do I go from here.
Firstly, I'm definitely back in the full scale 'default' of winning. At virtually any 2-4 table I know I'm the best player and the favourite in every hand..... knowing this (or at least believing it) has always been half the battle with me.
Secondly, I've ran absolutely horrendously in all in spots, but I've still been making some horrific mistakes. These span game prep things like eating and drinking properly, to huge technical mistakes, to non-technical poker things like timing on hands.
So, in a metaphorical sense, but also in a very literal sense given I've made no money, my December starts here. I think my attitude is spot on, but needs reinforcing via the medium of blog words....
I need to be eating breakfast in the morning, it's simply not good enough that my default eating habits lead me to have probably only a 2 hour window per day when mentally I'm on top of my game. Hydration is important, so I have to stop going through 3 litres of Coca fucking Cola every day. Even now, just 3 hours after eating, I'm light headed again and probably only 5/10 in terms of my mental state. Shreddies, and bananas, are my friends....
I need to rediscover the balance in playing poker.... it's not all about playing; preparation, blogging and reviewing are the ingredients to success.
Technically when playing, I've definitely allowed some leaks to creep in. The UB tables are 90% 100bb tables now, but I need to get some respect for 100bbs in terms of the hands I'm jamming in PF. No more squashing with 66, or 3bet calling AQos in the BB. My river play OOP is also awfully suspect at the moment. A typical example would be barreling AQ on A67ss, the river bringing the flush in, and a river PSR of 1.5. I need to really analyse these spots as and when they come up, and not take the easy option of 'meh' overjamming. I also need to remember to make the occasional fold, especially on the flop and turn when the relative strength of my hand has taken a savage beating. Example, hold 43s flop comes T56ss, 3bet pot call flop pot bet, turn is a T, 1.5psr left on the turn villain pots it again. For some reason I can't let go
Over the next 7 days I'm going to play 4 sessions of less than 90 minutes every day. This should come to around 10k hands, and accordingly, I plan to make around $8k. The initial scorecard for the sessions looks like this:
Initial Mental State: x/10
PF: x/10
River Spots: x/10
Timing: x/10
Slow but Steady: x/10
Overall: x/10
Session 1, with hand analysis of big losers etc coming up....
Sounds like you have a clear plan of attack moving forward, just put it in action and the money will be flowing back to you.
I've had a lot of difficulty with sticking with my exercise routine, which has been crucial for me being on point with poker. I'd definitely recommend a big jug of water that you have next to your computer to chug throughout the day as well; as you said, cola's no good as it will lead to big crashes.
Now go kick some butt, sir.
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