Friday, 6 November 2009

November Fresh Start

Last month ended up being a train wreck, as has this month so far. I've been up $8k this month, total now stands -$397. How? Well simply put I've allowed a few too many leaks to creep into my game... I'm also not starting every session with a coherent gameplan like I used to. Back in the day, I could feel good about every decision I made, no matter if it was overshoving rivers and getting called or folding in big pots after a double barrel gone wrong. Currently, I'm second guessing myself in every hand.

I'm a big believer in extreme specialisation.... and by that I mean a specific form of poker, at a specific site, at a specific limit. As such, I've cashed out my AP roll and don't envisage myself going back there any time soon. If only Party had deep tables then I'd straight on there, but as it is I'm waiting on FTP to give me a rakeback deal and I'm going to play soley on there at least till the end of the month.

So deep 400NL, FTP 6max it is.... I need to get back to recognising the fundamentals of my game. I'm simply making far too many mistakes as it is, and dare I say it I even need to fold a little bit more in spots where some villains are incapable of bluffing.

Profiling different regs obviously comes into it. My previous categorizations of reg were quite useful, I perhaps need to come up with some more for FTP.

The focusses of my early sessions are going to timing on every decision. This is something I do naturally when relaxed and playing well, and thus when I do consciously do it I suddenly feel relaxed and play well.

So... I'm going to play a session now, but then I need to spend an inordinate amount of time of analysis and re-analysis. I actually enjoy doing this, so I'm not really sure why I don't do more of it.

Session 1 analyis I'll be grading myself out of 10 for the following:

Slight Tightening Up PF
Avoiding RE (not profitable spots remember dan)
Put regs in difficult spots OOP



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